Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Off To Sydney

To watch Christy our IBO comp client compete in the ANB Sydney Titles - Novice Figure Division. I will also be meeting Hillary at the show! So it will be an action packed day. This pic is of Christy and I out at Montezuma's after my comp : ) She was such a good girl - ordered a salad and added her own chicken portion to it while I ate my burrito and hoovered up the leftovers off a couple of other plates : ) She flew all the way up from Sydney to meet Sue and I and watch the comp!

My sister is also due to have a baby while we are in Sydney, so it will be a very diverse trip - LOL. She is overdue by a week and is getting induced tomorrow if the little screamer hasn't pushed it's own way out.......ow. I am one of those women who don't dream about motherhood. I'm sure I'll get all gooey when I see the little bubba though.

I got a new do today. I was going to have my hair all cut off but I just couldn't part with the locks. So got lots of layers and shaping around the face. Also got my big vegemite stripe fixed. I love it when I have my hair done, it feels soooo nice and fresh. Went out for lunch with G today. It was one of those magic winter days without a cloud in the sky. Took puppy for 2 walks today as seen as he will miss out on his walks for 4 days in a row : (

Well it's getting late, so I think I'll hit the sack.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

On A Roll

Today's pic is of the love of my life - my husband Gerard. Snapped this pic while down the Gold Coast. I love my hubby so much - he is the centre of my life. He helped me turn my life around when I met him. I am a completely different person than I was and I just love my life with him. I had the lowest self esteem and I remember him saying to me very early in our relationship "I want you to be able to walk down the street with your head held high realising how beautiful you are!" Now he shakes his head at me and says "Oh my god, I've created a monster!" Love you baby.

Enough mush and onto a completely different topic. You may want to leave this post now because I'm going to be really frank and gross : ) You know what I love the most about having finished my comp prep? Going to the toilet and doing an number 2! The little joys of life : ) I get really clogged up when I am dieting strictly and it is an ongoing joke with a friend (I WONT MENTION HER NAME!) She taunted me several times during the last stage of my prep when she'd just been to the toilet.........yes I have horrible cruel friends! Now if you've ever been seriously constipated you'll be able to relate the this - everyone else will be thinking I'm a freak I know, oh well that's life!

My bloating and weight is starting to subside already. It is such a good feeling to see all that yukkiness reduce. Off to the gym again tonight for chest and arms. I just love my gym. The people who work there are so friendly. There is now an RPM class on a Saturday morning! Yippee! Going to RPM tomorrow night and I can't wait!

Have an awesome day everyone. Train hard and eat well - you'll feel fabulous for it!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Back into the swing of things

Well as you can tell from my recent pictures, I have been doing a very good job of eating lots of crappy food choices! I have had 2 full weeks off the gym ..... and any type of sensible eating plan and I am officially a fat bloated whale : ) To be honest, I have completely enjoyed the freedom of the last 2 weeks. I have totally enjoyed every food choice I have made after be so disciplined for so long. But, it has all started to catch up on me now and it is time to pull the reins in and refocus on my goals for my health, fitness and physique.

So first day back at the gym I smashed my shoulders! Shoulders, abs and glutes will be the particular body parts that I will be putting a whole lot of energy into between now and my next comp.......still tossing up ideas about when that will be. I am heading down to Sydney in 2 weeks to cheer on Christy in her first comp and when I return from there I will be doing an 8 week challenge and rewarding myself with some professional photos.

Although I have "let myself go" over the last two weeks I'm actually quite proud of myself for being able to refocus at this point. I have struggled with refocussing after all of my comps and I think I've done really well to put things into action now.

I just finished my breakfast which is my favourite meal of the day. I had 1/3 cup oats cooked on water, after cooking I add 1/4 cup of all bran, 10 almonds, 15 frozen rasperries and pour over 1 serve of Chocolate MRM Meta Whey which I have buzzed up in my little rocket blender with ice cubes. Yummmmooooo : )

I could eat that for every meal......if only I wasn't watching my carb intake for the next 2 weeks! I went to the fish market last night and bought a kg of Pearl Perch. So delish, and I even had my chicken,bean and vegemite combo yesterday for lunch and couldn't believe how good it tasted! One of the ladies at work even commented on how great it smelt!

I'm not enjoying the later sunrises now that winter is almost on us. My gym is a 30min drive a way so it's a bit ridiculous driving that far twice a day. Just have to rug up and get moving in the dark. Arnie certainly doesn't mind walking in the dark.

Time to get ready for work now. Have a sensational day!

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Drinky Drinky

Bring on da cocktails : )

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Feasting Fotos!

The first photo is the 'before the feast' the second is 'after the feast'! My final feed at the Goldy was at the pancake manor. I out ate G! I managed 4.5 pancakes with butter and maple syrup - he only managed 4! This little machine can eat : )
Will update more later on how I'm going.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Some More Comp Day Pics

Rachel and I watching the show earlier in the day.
Me being announced in 2nd place being awarded my trophy by Mrs Heintze!

My beachboys Ken & G in full boogy mode! I was smiling so huge as the crowd was cheering so loud!
I'll write some more in the next couple of days. Tomorrow is my 35th birthday and it is my final day of feasting : ) Then I start a diet to recover from all the damage I have inflicted on myself from eating so much since my comp!