Sunday, January 07, 2007

What a Week

Here is a picture of me as the bridesmaid this time! Finally got a couple of pics. These are the ones the hairdresser took. I have misplaced my battery charger so couldn't use my camera.

I have had a very busy week. Started back to work after the christmas break. Can't say I was delighted about that! It is good to get into a routine again.

Didn't get enough sleep during the week as I was getting up early to do my cardio, then late to bed. So I had a big sleep catch up this morning. Slept for 9 hours last night. I slept like a log and probably would have managed a bit more if G didn't have to go to work this morning.

I had the best run yesterday afternoon. I ran along the coast track. Just love looking out at the ocean - almost makes cardio enjoyable! I spent some time reading my Fattitude book yesterday. It is such a great book. I also laid out by the pool for a little while after my clients left. I only managed 45 minutes as it was quite hot.

Today I plan to do a few chores around the house and then do a big cook up so our food is organised for the week. I find food preparation to be one of the most time consuming tasks everyday. As I have started my comp prep, it has to be my highest priority as well. So if I cook my portions for the week it will help me manage my time better.

I have given lots of thought to my plans for this comp prep. My number one priority is my nutrition. My goal is to come in significantly leaner this time around - and this will be achieved by being 100% with my nutrition. So if I need to skip a training session - so be it. I have been atrocious at sticking to my diet 100% in the past and this is the area that will see me improve what I need to.

I am also looking forward to my cleaner getting back from holidays! I am going to have to clean my bathroom today - I HATE THIS JOB!

16 weeks today till comp, it will here before I know it!


At 11:21 am, Blogger jodie said...

You look gorgeous Di, (as always, I might add!) I love your dress. Good luck with your comp prep.

At 11:28 am, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOW look at you, that colour dress really suits you and your makeup looks so natural and fresh. What an absolute stunner you are. :o)

We do food preparation weekly too, it's the only way to go. I have no doubt that you will improve on your previous condition and I can't wait to see how you come in. Best of luck Di.

Lia :o)

At 1:16 pm, Blogger Bug's Mumma said...

I have to agree with you there Di. The nutrition is the hardest thing to stick to! I cook every few days and so far, so good. My housemate walked in on me earlier when I was cooking and couldn't believe how much I was cooking for only 3 days!

16 weeks and counting :D

At 3:29 pm, Blogger SeLiNa said...

You look great Di, as usual :)
Your run sounded great, I need to find me a nice path like that!
Good luck with the comp prep, I enjoy reading about it!


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