Wednesday, January 31, 2007

What have I been up to?

Today's pic is of me...surprise! Posing around on stage...hey whats new : )

Well what have I been up to since I posted last..... We got a call from the real estate on Monday and they had somebody to show through, so we did a quick tidy and took the boy out for a walk whilst the people looked through the house. Apparently they liked it but they haven't offered us lots of money yet : )

After that we had a nice chicken and salad lunch on the back deck and then lazed around the pool for an hour. Then we had a nanna nap before we headed off to the gym. G trained me, we did back. Through clenched teeth hee threatened to go sit in the car : ) I shut up and just obeyed......well for the next 45 minutes anyway.....

I did a jog/hill walk combo for my cardio Tuesday morning. Back to work yesterday where I spent the whole day at the desk catching up on paperwork. Thank goodness....finally. I hate outstanding paper work. Went to the gym last night and trained bis and tris. I am really happy with the way my upper body is shaping up.....just not happy with those big ole thighs : ) They'll go though. I feel so good about where I am coming into 12 weeks out from my comp as opposed to where I have started from with all my other comps. I feel really in control this time. It has taken me a long time to learn to change behaviours, but with consistency I have really turned my lifestyle and habits around. I don't like to bullshit (oh you didn't notice did you!) and have always been very honest about the struggles that I have dealt with through my comp prep. The positive changes I have made and the control I am able to keep with my nutrition is personally very empowering for me. I know I will have slip ups through this prep too, but I'm confident I will pick myself up and move on after a slip and not let a mistake turn into an avalanche. Anyway enough babble!

Today I did a 40 minute jog/walk with Arnie. He was completely buggered. I took it easy on the cardio this morning as I am going to an aerobics class this evening : ) I have a bright pink headband and leg warmers and a shiny black lycra g-string to wear on the outside of my leotard.....ha ha no I don't, aerobics just makes me think of really bad 80's lycra! I'm doing an abs, butt and thighs class, woohoo! Let's see if I make it back : )

Tomorrow morning is the return of plyo! I am meeting a friend down the park to do plyo's together. I have also arranged to meet up with a work colleague of G's to do the beep test in a couple of weeks. So I will have to make sure I train nice and hard to I can break some male ego's with my fitness levels : )

On that note, catch you later!


At 5:31 pm, Blogger Hilds said...

Hi there sounds like your going great! Its so funny to listen to your stories about your hubby training you! My partner Cam helped out with many of my training sessions on my last 12 week challenge and as awesome as it was having him push me harder than I could have myself. There were many times I was ready to kill him, he even walked out on one of our sessions once coz he said I was being too much of a bitch and that I wouldn't speak to another trainer like that (so true! LOL). So well done on making it work for you and the many fun times to come!!!! he he

At 6:41 pm, Blogger jodie said...

You know Di, that's what I like about you the most - you are honest, there is no BS about ya. Oh and I also love your stupid sense of humour. I had to laugh at your comment about the 80's fitness wear. Would you believe an old lady was wearing pretty much that outfit the other day at gym?!

Go get em with that beep test, smash their egos :)

At 9:00 pm, Blogger Di Broeren said...

So nice to know I'm honest and stupid : )

At 9:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds to me like you're getting right into plyo training, good going! I'll be interested to know what you're thoughts are of it after you've done it while if you wouldn't mind?

And honesty is the best policy. Karma has a very mysterious way of working sometimes so it's best to keep on the right side of it. ;o)

Lia xx

At 6:24 am, Blogger Miss Positive said...

Sounds like its all coming together Di, cant wait to see the results of all this hard work up on stage!

Good luck with potential buyers!

Hilary xx

At 9:47 am, Blogger Michelle said...

Phew - I thought the 80's flashback was going to be a reality - all I could think was "Sue - we gotta put a stop to this"!

Keep jumpin'!

Xx _ Michelle

At 1:11 pm, Blogger LizN said...

Great going Di - your "no BS" approach is why I respect you so much :)

Liz :)

At 1:46 pm, Blogger Splice said...

Hi Di :-)
It's going to be incredible to see you on stage.
You are so focused, your going to be awesome.
I will be there to cheer you on.

At 9:55 am, Blogger SeLiNa said...

HAHA!!! U would prolly start a new trend Di if you did wear that to your aerobics class!! I dare ya :P LOL
So howd you go in the beep test? Show those boys whose boss?!?!

At 12:15 pm, Blogger Ali said...

Don't like to admit it, but I remember the good old 80's and fitness attire LOL I just recently ditched some of those wonderful peices of clothing, my daughter had a good laugh at my expense though before they went into the trash...

Have a wonderful weekend, can't wait to see the results off all your bloody hard training.. good on ya!!


At 8:26 pm, Blogger Spartze said...

Love your pics - your still so much my inspiration Di, straight up and no holds barr.

Ya gonna rock it


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