Friday, January 26, 2007

Proud Aussie

Good Morning and HAPPY AUSTRALIA DAY! Hope everyone has a sensational day. I'm firing on all cylinders today : ) Today was my crunch time to start my hard core training regime. I am all gee'd up and ready to fire.

Went out for a run this morning. Had a little embarrassing incident whilst I was doing a good deed! There was a dog running around looking lost. A man said he ran out of the bush and he had seen the owner running down the pathway I was headed. I asked what she looked like and off I bolted a called out to her "your dog is way down here" - she was looking around for it. She was quite a way off and the dog had run down the road so I took off to rescue the dog : ) Spotted the dog with a man who had 2 similar dogs on a lead and I was calling the dog "Puppy come, come", doing the come hand signals and all. I got closer to the man and the woman was running down the road towards us. I said to the man "It's this ladies dog" And he said "Yeah I know it's my wife". How embarrassment : ) As she approached I had a laugh and said "I think your husband thought I was trying to steal your dog!".

Got home from my run had a big drink of H2O and my Meal 1 then off I set with my boy for his exercise. It is so hot today so I gave him a bath when we got back. He was huffing and puffing. He just sat on the grass enjoying being hosed and washed. Thats my dog too not my husband by the way :) I'm doing a cook up of chicken and rice at the moment. Other plans for today include sunning myself for an hour whilst I read the latest Oxygen mag. Then I have a few tasks to complete including writing up my training schedule and list of things that have to be completed as part of comp prep - like tanning, waxing, organising bikini, finding music, choreographing my routine and 2 client routines, and the list goes on!

Speaking of the latest Oxygen mag - have you seen the unreal Ideal Bodies Online advert! A whole page full of transformed honeys! Including me : ) ha ha, no I'm not really that on myself! But the ad is awesome, if you don't buy the mag have a sticky beak next time your passing a newsagents.


At 10:58 am, Blogger Miss Positive said...

Good to see you all fired up Di, send some energy my way!

It is so hot today, I dont blame your dog for loving his bath after his run. Had to giggle at the thought of your hubby lying on the grass being hosed off!!

Enjoy your weekend

Hilary xx

At 4:19 pm, Blogger jodie said...

I'm glad you clarified how you were hosing down with the water. Ha, ha.

Keep up the intensity and you will certainly rock your next show!!

At 5:16 pm, Blogger SeLiNa said...

LOL DI!!!!
And I did think u were talking about G... till the bath part, I thought that was just a lil kinky to be mentioned!! LOL I DID need the clarification on that one!!
I just got the latest Oxygen too :) I can't wait to see each edition! And I saw the ad quite by surprise - my ugly mug was staring at me from the add too! lol
have a great aussie day. enjoy the heat!


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