Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Power of Being Organised

I had a very productive evening last night. Although it was such an effort I felt so in control after I had finished! I cooked and portioned lots of food to ensure I’m all organised for the start of my “challenge”. My freezer is now chocka block with portions of rice, chicken, beef, veges and hubby’s lunches for the next week!
Hubby was on a boys night out. They went to the U2 concert. I am so not into crowds so I was rather relieved he wanted to go with the boys.

We have been eating some new concoctions for our breakfast for the last couple of weeks. I seriously love mine! Can’t say the same about G’s though.

He is having: 1 large cup scoop of oats, 1 scoop of WPI, 4 egg whites, drizzle of honey, splash of milk and a handful of ice all blended up. The thought of eating raw egg whites makes me shudder.

I am having: ½ cup oats (traditional oats raw), a handful of almonds (roughly smashed in my mortar then thrown in with the oats), 1 serve of WPI mixed with ice cold water then poured over my “cereal”. It is so yummy. I don’t know why I haven’t eaten my oats raw sooner.

I was up at 5.30am this morning. Took Arnie for a very short 15 minute walk and sniff, then headed out for a 45 minute jog on my own. It was quite warm this morning, even at that time.

I have finally received another copy of our marriage certificate with my name spelt correctly. Yippee! So today I will be spending some time trekking about to places to update my name : ) Other tasks on my to do list include getting my nails done, going to office works to pick up some supplies and off to college tonight from 6-9. Oh and I guess I’d better do some actual work in amongst all that too!


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