Friday, October 27, 2006


We'll I am waiting in anticipation to find out when Rachel and Aarons little one enters the world! Can't wait for all the gory details and of course to give the little bundle a big cuddle :) Love your last post Rach!

I have been quite busy over the last few days. Of course always the dreaded W word is compulsory and I am so discontent at the moment with my work environment. Last night G and I went to a seminar run by Kerry and Rowena McEvoy who are the owners of the Australian Institute of Fitness. They are an extremely motivating couple. We both left feeling rather "high". We hung around and had a good chat to both of them. So we left there with lots of discussion about our working future and fears associated with leaving the security of our government jobs.

Wednesday night I had a very energetic session in the park followed by a boxing lesson. I did my first beep test, which is something I have wanted to do for ages. I reached level 9-6. Wanted to be the last female in our group but made second time : ) So I am planning on doing the beep test in 4 weeks time to check my fitness progress. G's brother did the beep test recently and reached level 15. Neither of us comprehended how impressive that was at the time!

We have had a photo session of the house and it will be in a feature in next weeks paper. We have also found a new development we are interested in buying land in. I am so excited about the prospect of building again. We have to do some research on "Zen" style architecture as we both really like the style and feel. So at this stage this is the plan for the house design.

Only 5 hours to go and we will be flying off to Melbourne to watch the Nationals! I am looking forward to this. I have a picture of the open short figure winners from last years Nationals on my computer. Rather impressive physiques. It will be great to catch up with Sue and everybody else.

GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY COMPETING! I'll be there cheering you on. I hope you all enjoy the experience.

Personally I hated the Nationals last year. The "feel" of the backstage environment was very daunting and unfriendly. So many people with their heads stuck so far up their asses : ) I honestly don't understand that attitude but there are lots of egos in this sport. I'm quite happy to be the friendly person who acknowledges people!

It will be great to have a long weekend. G's Mum has lots planned for us, including a big do on Sunday with lots of relies we haven't seen in a while. So it should be fun. I might even indulge in a couple of Wodka's!


At 7:01 am, Blogger Michelle said...

The beep test is such a GREAT way to measure your endurance! Nice job on the 9-6!!!

You're not the only one waiting for Rachael to reveal little bub!!!!!!

There's a WHOLE world anxious to meet him!!!!!

Xx - Michelle

At 2:38 pm, Blogger SeLiNa said...

Hey Di,
Yea I love Kerry and Rowena too :) They are always full of life and so inspiring and motivating! If you're ever doubting yourself remember where they've come from and where they are now!
Love your shack!!!


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